Land for Sale in Kegalle
PER PERCH: Rs 290,000
TEL: 0702792000 / 0705564935
Land Size: 60.0 perches
60 Perches
Rs.290000/= per perch.
With Electricity & water.
Valuble land.Clear documents.
Price negotiable.
Kegalle town ekata 6km.
polghawela station ekata 5km.
Main road eke.walagama pasala lagn thiyena pare 300m ethuata wenna.
- Land Type: Residential
- Land Size: 60.0 perches
- Description
- 60 Perches
- Rs.290000/= per perch.
- With Electricity & water.
- Valuble land.Clear documents.
- Price negotiable.
- Kegalle town ekata 6km.
- polghawela station ekata 5km.
- Main road eke.walagama pasala lagn thiyena pare 300m ethuata wenna.