10 acres of land for sale
10 acres of land for sale
10 acres of land for sale
10 acres of land for sale
10 acres of land for sale
10 acres of land for sale
10 acres of land for sale
10 acres of land for sale
10 acres of land for sale
10 acres of land for sale
10 acres of land for sale
10 acres of land for sale
  • January 15, 2025 8:09 am
  • Kegalle

Tell: 076 579 3239

Per Acre: Rs. 6,000,000/- (Negotiable)

Selling for highest per acre offer price.

Call: 076 579 3239

The 10 acres of land consists of 7 acres of former rubber land with fertile soil, which is highly cultivatable, and 2 – 3 acres of rock located towards the rear left corner. Mining of the rock is possible if the buyer has a quarry permit. Two smaller rocks are also available for mining on the main land section.

This land is ideal to either continue cultivation of rubber/other plantations or for developing holiday bungalows and resorts.

The front side is bordering to the Yatimahana Randiwela Pradeshya Sabha Road.
The right side is bordered by a paddy field and a stream. The left side is also bordered by a paddy field.
The rear end is bordered by Barrington Estate.

The land is 5 km away from Mawanella Rambukkana Main road. It is a 15-minute drive (10km) to the Rambukkana interchange on the new Kandy Colombo Express Highway that is currently under construction. After the new Highway is completed, the travel time from Rambukkana to Colombo will be 1 hour, and Rambukkana to Kandy will be a 15-minute drive on the Highway.

3 Phase power lines runs along side the Yatimahana road, and accessible underground water sources are also available.

The surrounding locality is made up of semi-residential areas.

The main 7 acres of land can also be sold in blocks of 1-3 acres.

Plan and Deed available for viewing.


  • Land Type: Residential
  • Land Size: 10acres